Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pine Grove Cemetery.

I took some photo's using Rich's camera at the Pine Grove Cemetery in Hampton, NH. I've seen it a billion times over and over again but I had never really considered actually going in. Rich and I went in and it was simply amazing. There were old grave stones dating back as early as the 1700's Most of them were extremely aged, and I had to constantly watch my step as I moved backwards in fear that I might not see a grave and knock it over. Luckily, I was very cautious.

As I stood there, all I could think about was how weird the situation is with a cemetery. A cemetery is where you get rid of your dead bodies. It's an area where they bury dead people. As I was standing there, I realized that six feet below me, there is a corpse, or in this case since the cemetery was so old, I don't really know how much of the corpse remained. Probably just the skeletal remains... perhaps not even that. I'm not an expert on how a body rots/decays and I don't think I ever want to be, but it was just WEIRD!

To get certain angles that I wanted, I had to lay down in different positions to snap the shot. I got some eerie feelings doing that, knowing that a body has been disposed of right below me. But then I realized... everyone is dead!! I'm in the safest place in the world!

Hope you enjoy these. CLICK FOR THE FULL-SIZED IMAGE! If it appears too big, right click the photo and select "VIEW IMAGE".

Check out the old writing on that grave. That's how they used to write/spell/talk. Weeeeiiiiird!

Note the odd marks and cracks in the worn-out stone.

This I found very interesting. Spring is right around the corner, and I happened to see some green grass rise above the hay-like dead grass. It looked like the green grass is trying to rise above and live, but the dead grass is swarming it and choking it back into the ground. Couldn't resist the photo.


These two photo's have no artistic value whatsoever. If you've been hanging around me long enough you know that I've been obsessed with the Moulton Residence haunting as of late. It's one of the three big three ghost legends in the Hampton area. I practically came in my pants when I saw that General Jonathan Moulton's grave stone was there. Sure there was no body AND it obviously hasn't been there for hundreds of years because of it's superb condition... but STILL... FUCKING COOL!!

These weren't even taken IN the cemetery... but VERY CLOSE to it! In these photo's is the monument of Goody Cole, a woman who was in-and-out of prison in the early days of Hampton NH in the 1600's. She had to go back-and-forth to Boston to stand trial for various things, like being accused of being a witch, and calling a woman a whore (both things were a big deal in those times). There are many stories as to how she died, but most believe that since no one could actually PROVE that she was a witch, the townspeople did not like her so they took justice into their own hands and murdered her. No one found her body. She's been haunting the area in Hampton where she used to live/probably died in ever since. In the 1930's they had a ceremony clearing her of her crimes and her status of being a witch and they were going to have a big ceremony of putting soil where they thought she died in an urn and burying it. Shortly after, Hampton received one of the biggest hurricanes they had ever had. People spot her on the road now and then wearing old clothing. I have yet to see her but one day I'll find her and we'll both do a photo-shoot together!

These ones did not come out as well as I wanted...

This one seemed good on the preview, but now that I look at it full-size on my PC... no. Depth of field is fucking awful, and totally nowhere near what I was going for.

This one would have kicked ass except I didn't position it well enough. I thought I had it so that I could see both wings clearly but I must have made some type of sudden movement. I don't know how I fucked this up...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Joy to the World!

It's that time of year again... today is...


It was this day, 24 years ago on January, 26 1984 that a young, lucky Puerto Rican woman named Haydee Rosario Lawn gave birth to a son unlike most that have walked this Earth. On that baby, the doctors noticed something strange. There was a SIGN on him that read To: World, From: God. That's when everyone figured it out...

On this day, celebrate with your family and friends! Eat! Drink! Put presents under the Scott Lawn tree! REJOICE! CELEBRATE THE DAY THAT SCOTT LAWN WAS BORN!

Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists, Scientologists, and whatever crazy cult you belong to... should all celebrate!

Joy to the World, Bitches!


I'd like to personally thank bellasusana for posting on her own blog about this worldly Holiday before Scott Lawn himself could! You should all try to learn from her example!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Scott Lawn Appreciation Day/Apocalypse Now/Hard Boiled

In just a few more days, it will have been 24 years that I have been alive. January 26th! A Saturday! I'm pretty excited, and thankful that I'm still alive, healthy, and ambitious to do many big things in my life. I have a feeling that 2008 will be THE YEAR of Scott Lawn, as well as the rest of the years after that. Seriously, it's a great year to be a Scott Lawn supporter! I'll be celebrating my Birthday on three days:

This Friday night will be a family thing, I'll be hitting up the Kowloon with them to dine with my parents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, and my two nephews. All while being in a restaurant filled with Chinese food, dim lights, and possibly some type of band playing music.

This Saturday night I'm getting trashed. Plain and simple.

On Sunday, I'm hoping to see the new Rambo film in theaters, and I also have to celebrate my nephews birthday since his is near mine. He's having a Pirate themed party for his 5th birthday, so I'm gonna give him his cake while dressed up as a Pirate, haha! I'll have pictures of that up at some point down the stretch.

While trying to figure out what to do with my life now that the Super Bowl is not for another two weeks, I found this video on youtube. A scene from one of the best war films ever made, Apocalypse Now. It's the scene where they fly in on Helicopters to attack a Vietnamese village while playing The Ride of the Valkyries through the speakers as they get there. After that, even when the area is still very hostile, the colonel just wants everyone to start surfing the waves in the ocean nearby. It's very bizarre. It also has one of the most famous quotes in all war movies, I love the smell of napalm in the morning! Watch the video, you might want to just skip to the 2:34 marker, as that is when it starts to get good. Be patient and watch!

I have to send the link directly rather than embed it on this blog... the asshole who posted the video disabled that feature!

And to end this blog entry, I have here a website that someone made: The Things I Learned From Watching Hard Boiled. It's pretty funny, seeing as though it's probably one of my favorite movies of all time.

Thanks for reading,
-Scott M.F. Lawn
Clobbering Time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tom Brady is fine you idiots; Diary of the Dead Praise!


It hasn't been long since those morons at TMZ released a video of Tom Brady visiting his lady-friend wearing a walking cast... A WALKING CAST... and people are already saying "ZOMFG HE'S INJURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" If you go to the TMZ website you'll run into a bunch of idiots making a bunch of idiotic comments. So, here's a source from

Are you kidding me? Does everyone all of a sudden forget who's name always ends up as "PROBABLE" on the injury report even when he's healthy!!?
Tell me, are you idiots REALLY THAT GULLIBLE to fall for this? Do you really think that Bill Bellichik would let him go out if he was really badly injured? He'd have him under lock and key. Tom Brady even said himself...

“Ah, you know, there’s always bumps and bruises. I’ll be ready for the Super Bowl,” Brady said, when asked point-blank if he had a leg injury. “I’m not worried about that. I’m not missing this one. I’d have to be on a stretcher to miss this one. There will be treatment this week. In games like this, you get a little nicked up. It’s nothing serious.”

But never mind that, you'll fall for it hook, line and sinker. I'm afraid that none of you realize the type of coach Bellichik is. He WANTS everyone to see him like this, don't you get it?
And even so... it's a WALKING CAST! Which means HE'S ABLE TO WALK AROUND!!? Have you taken into consideration that the Super Bowl is TWO WEEKS AWAY!!? TWO!! A.K.A. way more than enough time to heal whatever a walking cast is needed for!
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that all of the Anti-Patriots are getting their hopes up for this because it will only hurt more when Eli loses the game viciously, but I'm just pointing out the fact that some of you are SO STUPID that I can come over to you, say it, and then laugh about it after my point is proven.



The next thing I wanted to speak about, was Diary of the Dead. Diary of the Dead is George Romero's newest zombie film. He was responsible for making three of the best horror films ever made... and then he directed Land of the Dead. There are a few things that are especially unique about this film...
  • This is his first film since Night of the Living Dead that is 100% independent. No BIG MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY backing this one, he just has the help of his partner Peter Grunwald, and a group called Artfire.
  • This film is truly his own. He describes not having this much freedom since he made Night of the Living Dead (and we all know how mind-blowing that was)!
  • The cast is filled with "Unknowns", in other words, no one famous. A lot of times everyone see's this as a bad thing, but with a director like Romero it's a damn good thing.
  • From what I saw in the preview, it seems to be all/mainly Blair Witch style, kind of like Cloverfield was, as both cast from each movie seem to be "Documenting" the events that are unfolding in the film. I don't believe that Romero is ripping off J.J. Abrams monster movie because both directors were working under the radar... and Romero screened his film way before Cloverfield got released into theaters. If anything, he copied Blair Witch, haha!
I believe this movie is going straight to DVD or just in select theaters, as the release date for this film is set in February. I think that if this was hitting the major theaters we would have seen tons of hype for this film months ago. This film has already been screened in a few festivals... so yeah. If you want more information about this film, I suggest hitting up the official myspace page:

Here's the preview...

Hope you all enjoy it!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Patriots are going to the Super Bowl!


The New England Patriots are 18-0
Don't hate, appreciate!

Bring on The New York Giants!!!! Just another victim!!!!!!!!